Mentioned below are some key differentiating parameters which sets us apart from the traditional & common business practices companies do.

30+ Years Experience

In-house Market Research Team with industry experience and hands on experience in carrying out filed investigations across all industry sectors.

Customized Primary Research

Direct Interactions and Interviews for each market research with stakeholders involved to get insights which are highly customized.

Vast Industry Experience

Across Industrial Consumables , Industrial Products and Equipments, for Oil & Gas, Energy, Refineries, Food & Beverages, Agriculture, Aerospace, Medical, General Engineering , Capital Equipment, Process Equipment, Systems, Automation, Instrumentation, various materials for chemicals – All these contributes 80% of the total business.

Working with 24 Industry Associations

Extensive networking and relations across Indian and Global Industrial Associations and Bodies, having conducted numerous local, glocal, and global studies.

70%+ Repeat Business

With our Excellent Research Deliverables and Insights for Business Growth, and with the ease of doing business with us – our well-wishers have a huge loyalty with us.

Rich Panel of Experts & Networking

Our relations of last 30+ years have helped to build a big panel of experts across all major industry segments and across major economies as well and excellent networking with international association and trade bodes also.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What is the methodology used by BDB India?

Direct interactions and interviews with all relevant stakeholders are conducted for each market research study to obtain highly customized and strategic insights.

2. What are the industries you cater to?

We cater to Automotive, Engineering (Industrial equipment & consumables), Process Industries, Chemicals, Building Materials, Healthcare and Agricultural, Infrastructure, Metallurgy & Mining.

3. What is BDB Q-SAMM?

A business division within BDB India to measure and track customer satisfaction is known as BDB Q-SAMM (Customer Satisfaction Measurement and Monitoring). BDB Q-SAMM’s main goal is to assist client organizations in creating customer-focused strategies that will boost customer retention and improve Market share. This analysis also includes NPS (Net Promoter Score).

4. How can BDB Direct help you or your organization?

This is one of our effective processes to make the market aware of your brand and products, stimulate their curiosity and inspire a desire to purchase. To ensure the sales team’s valuable time can be better utilized through faster lead conversion, for increased sales efficiency and a shorter sales cycle.

5. Is BDB present and catering to customers internationally?

BDB can assist customers to strategise their expansion and market entry plans in The Middle East, South East Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. We also have the exposure to carry out research in Europe and Latin America and selected Far Eastern countries.

6. How do you manage analysing multiple domains?

We have an in-house senior team who have worked in different industries and also with BDB for over 15 plus years of researching multiple sectors, products and markets including international. They are also supported by BDB Advisory Council Members who have decades of experience in different industries and international geographies.